Friday, June 29, 2012


Maul's soft side is revealed
We have reached over 100 views! The Dark Side of the Force is truly stronger!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Top Gun

This one knows the power of the Dark side
Torso Maul's good friend Bill invited us over yesterday to watch Top Gun and eat french toast.

Bill is currently involved in a project where he and a few other chaps watch the same movie once a week for a year. Check out their blog here for more details.

If you don't, Torso Maul may force choke you.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Laundry Mat 2

So first of all, thanks for the 20+ views between now and yesterday. Maul and I appreciate it.

Secondly, this:

Casual shorts for Casual Sith Saturday

Monday, June 25, 2012

Laundry Mat

If you do, it'll be Mauling time

What's Happening in This Galaxy

So here you are. Maybe you're a fan of Darth Maul. Maybe you're a general Star Wars fan. Maybe you just really like the upper-half of the human body. Maybe you're here because a friend told you to and you don't know the first thing about any of the previously mentioned subjects.

The point is you ARE here and here is a collection of pictures of Darth Maul's torso doing things.

What kinds of things? you may be asking yourself as you scratch your chin or twist your mustache. All kinds of things. The kind of things everyone does: Ride the bus. Read a book. Do laundry, Feed the cat. You name it and the Dark Lord of the Sith's torso will do it.

This blog being fairly new, I'm not sure exactly how often I will update it. The plan at the moment is to try and upload a new picture each day. That means seven new pictures of Darth Maul completely various tasks each day! Now, each day will be a new picture, true, but they may be related activities. For example, Maul went to the laundry mat today and, being the photogenic Iridonian that he is, "walked" away with several pictures because of it.

For more information of how Torso Maul and I met, click here to read the blog post from my more personal, whatever blog called Fevered Expressions.

Now, say you're not satisfied what the pictures I post or say there's something really really awesomely mundane you'd like to see Maul do. Well, all you have to do is ask! Just comment on the blog or email your requests to us and we'll see what you can do.

Note: Due to my lack of a car and Maul's lack of a lower half, some requests may have to be turned down. We'll do what we can though!

So, on behalf of Maul and myself, thanks for coming and we hope that you enjoy all the stuff...that Maul does...with just his torso.
